

The Programme “Research Projects” funds basic research that creates new knowledge or improves existing knowledge about a particular field as well as applied research conducted with clear technological, economic, or social objectives. The proposed topic must be internationally recognized and/or of national significance, and the project should be managed by a strong research team led by Principal Investigators with international and national reputation and an excellent track record.

The Applicant is a legal entity that submits a project proposal to the Call. Eligible applicants are: higher education institutions, scientific institutes and other legal entities that have been granted the permit to conduct scientific activity pursuant to the Act on Ensuring Quality in Science and Higher Education (Official Gazette 151/2022).

The Call is also open for submission of bilateral and multilateral project proposals in collaboration with Slovenian, Swiss and/or Czech research teams through the Weave initiative.

Call IP-2025-02 in brief:

Call launch date: 20 January 2025

Submission deadline: 24 February 2025 @13.00 (CEST) extended until 3 March @13.00 (CET)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 3 years

Maximum total project budget: 200.000,00 EUR

Minimum total project budget: 60.000,00 EUR


Call for Proposals IP-2025-02 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.pdf)
Application Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Partner Organization Support Letter (.doc)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria – peer review (.pdf)



The Programme “Installation Research Projects” provides funding for research that supports the development of independent research careers for scientists after obtaining a PhD and the establishment of new research groups focusing on internationally recognized and nationally relevant topics. The call is a logical continuation of postdoctoral training and targets the moment in a scientist’s career when they are ready to develop new research themes and/or methodologies. The legal entity (applicant) must provide clear and concrete support for the work of the emerging research group and describe how the new research theme being developed through the foundational research project will integrate into the existing development strategy.

The Applicant is a legal entity that submits a project proposal for the call. Eligible applicants include higher education institutions, scientific institutes, and other research-oriented organizations that have at least five PhD holders employed for more than one year (as detailed in the Call).

Call IP-2025-02 in brief:

Call launch date: 20 January 2025

Submission deadline: 24. Ferbruary 2025 @13.00 (CEST) extended until 3 March @13.00 CET

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 5 years

Maximum total funding per project: 300,000.00 EUR

Minimum total project budget: 125.000,00 EUR

Total funds for the call: 18 million EUR

Expected project implementation start: second half of 2025

Project proposals are to be submitted only through the EPP system.


Call for Proposals UIP-2025-02 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.pdf)
Application Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria – peer review (.pdf)



The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral and stable programme of funding young researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. This Programme finances the development of scientific careers of young researchers, striving toward continuous education and exchange of knowledge with the ultimate aim of creating a network of scientists whose skills can compete in the international scientific community.

The Call is open for application to research institutions, who nominate candidates for mentors of future research doctoral students. The mentor is the person responsible for the doctoral student’s scientific progress and should be an active researcher. The application should clearly define the doctoral student’s training modules, work methods and tasks, as well as how the acquired knowledge is to be applied.

Call DOK-2025-02 in brief

Call opening date: 20 January 2025
Call closing date: 24 February 2025 until 13:00 (CET) extended until 3 March @13.00 (CET)
The Call is open to all scientific fields.
: scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology.
Estimated number of funded doctoral students: 220
Single amount of funding: doctoral student’s annual gross salary
Project funding duration: 5 years in case of scientific institute, 6 years in case of higher education institution
Estimated beginning of financing: second half of 2025

Call for Proposals (in Croatian)


Multilateral Academic Projects – MAPS

The Croatian Science Foundation, in collaboration with research funding organizations from Switzerland (Swiss National Science Foundation – SNSF), Bulgaria (Ministry of Education and Science), Hungary (National Research, Development, and Innovation (NRDI) Office), Poland (Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and Romania (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is launching the Call Multilateral Academic Projects.

The Programme is funded through the Second Swiss Contribution to selected EU Member States.

MAPS will be implemented through Joint Research Projects (JRPs) that are aimed at promoting collaborative projects with clearly defined goals. Each proposal must include at least one applicant based in Switzerland and two to five applicants in two to five different participating EU-13 countries (max. one applicant per country).

The applicants based in Switzerland must meet the eligibility criteria of the SNSF, while RFOs in each participating country might have their own restrictions on the eligibility of potential applicants and proposals, which are defined in Annex 2.

Project duration: the JRPs last between 36 and 48 monthsAll projects will have to be finalized before the 30 June 2029.

The maximum amount of funding per team and per country is CHF 350’000 for four years.

Proposals are to be jointly prepared by the applicants involved in the consortia. The Swiss applicant has the responsibility to submit the proposal via the SNSF’s electronic submission system mySNF (www.mysnf.ch). Croatian team leaders are additionally required to submit additional documentation to HRZZ via the EPP system.

Deadline for pre-registration (mySNF): 01 May 2024

Deadline for submission of applications: 01 July 2024 (mySNF); 02 July 2024 (EPP)

Text of the Call (.pdflink to SNSF website)

Documents to be submitted by Croatian team leaders:

Administrative Form (.pdf, generated from EPP system)

Financial Plan (.xls)

Organizational Support Letter (.doc)

All documents are to be submitted in English.

Croatian applicants are asked to send their questions to the address: international@hrzz.hr.

Additional information:

To find suitable partners in the participating countries, potential applicants are invited to use the match-making platform createdby UEFSICDI: Home Module (uefiscdi-direct.ro)

A webinar for researchers interested in applying for the MAPS call will be organised on 11 April 2024 at 2pm (CET). You can join the webinar via the link.




The Programme “Research Projects” funds basic research that creates new knowledge or improves existing knowledge about a particular field as well as applied research conducted with clear technological, economic, or social objectives. The proposed topic must be internationally recognized and/or of national significance, and the project should be managed by a strong research team led by Principal Investigators with international and national reputation and an excellent track record.

The Applicant is a legal entity that submits a project proposal to the Call. Eligible applicants are: higher education institutions, scientific institutes and other legal entities that have been granted the permit to conduct scientific activity pursuant to the Act on Ensuring Quality in Science and Higher Education (Official Gazette 151/2022).

The Call is also open for submission of bilateral and multilateral project proposals in collaboration with Slovenian, Swiss and/or Czech research teams through the Weave initiative.

Call IP-2024-05 in brief:

Call launch date: 25 March 2024
Submission deadline: 10 May 2024 @13.00 (CEST) 17 May 2024 @13.00 (CEST)
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Project funding duration: 3 years
Maximum total project budget: 200.000,00 EUR
Minimum total project budget: 60.000,00 EUR

1st Amendment of the Call (9 May 2024)

The Call has been amended as follows: 

  • “Eligibility of applicants” (p. 3) – bullet #3 now states “other research-oriented institutions that employ at least five researchers with a doctoral degree who have been employed at the institution for at least a year”

  • “Permit to conduct scientific activity” has been removed as Manadatory docum,ent (p. 4) 

Pursuant to this, the Call application deadline has been extended to 17 May 2024

Call for Proposals IP-2024-05_1st corrigendum (.pdf)


Call for Proposals IP-2024-05 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.pdf)
Application Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Partner Organization Support Letter (.doc)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria – peer review (.pdf)

TAP-2023 (DGT)


See more information: https://hrzz.hr/en/transnational-call-democracy-governance-and-trust-now-launched-tap-2023/

Text of the Call (link to TAP website)



Research Projects – Bilateral Swiss-Croatian Projects (IPCH-2023-10)

Pursuant to the Multilateral Lead Agency cooperation agreement signed between the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) as part of the Weave initiative, the Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects. Croatian scientists in collaboration with their Swiss partners can submit their joint proposals to SNSF’s Call for Proposals, which is open until 2 October 2023. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle, whereby the Lead Agency is in charge of the proposal evaluation process in line with its internal procedures. Eligibility criteria for Croatian scientists are identical to eligibility criteria for the Call “Research Projects”.

The Call “Research projects – Swiss-Croatian bilateral projects” will finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject. The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.

The Call IPCH-2023-10 funds the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects
 which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as the Lead Agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organizations have been met. Project proposals ranked within the acceptance rate of the current SNSF call will be recommended for funding.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal pursuant to the Call published by the Swiss National Science Foundation and submits it to the SNSF Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Swiss and Croatian researchers. Swiss and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, Curriculum Vitae with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call IPCH-2023-10 in brief:

Call opening date: 27 July 2023
Call closing date: the joint application is to be submitted to SNSF by 2 October 2023 at 17:00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 6 October 2023 at 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Swiss partner
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group
Project funding duration: up to 4 years
Estimated project start date: not before May 2024

Applications are to be submitted through the EPP systemin English only. The Applicant shall be responsible for the equivalence of the proposal to the proposal submitted by the Swiss PI to SNSF.

All questions are to be sent to the email address ipch@hrzz.hr.

Call for Proposals (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)



Enhancing well-being for the future

CHANSE – Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe and NORFACE – the New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe, are launching a call for international research projects: Enhancing well-being for the future.


Project team: Composed of at least four and maximum six Principal Investigators, i.e. partners, eligible to receive funding from four or more different countries participating in the call

National/Regional Eligibility Requirements:

Each partner must fulfil the conditions of the national/regional Funding Organisation, as described in the National/Regional Eligibility Requirements document

National Eligibility Requirements for Croatian applicants (.pdf)

Project duration: 24-36 months

Funding per project:  up to a maximum amount of 1 500 000 € (across all partners)

The goal of the Well-being call is to fund innovative social science research addressing one or more of the call themes. This call aims to promote diversity in research. When building research consortia, applicants are strongly encouraged to take into account the following aspects:

  • Gender balance
  • Academic age balance
  • Geographical diversity
  • Knowledge exchange and impact

Proposals must be submitted via the 
EPSS system.


  • Official call announcement and launch of the submission system: May 26th, 2023
  • Deadline for outline proposals: September 21st, 2023, 14.00 CET
  • Deadline for invited full proposals: March 26th 2024, 14.00 CET
  • Call results: October/November 2024
  • Earliest funded project start: December 2024/March 2025


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a partner search tool available here: https://www2.ncn.gov.pl/partners/chanse/. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.

An online webinar will be hosted by the Call Secretariat on June 16th 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 CET, aiming to answer the questions related to the call.
More information will be available soon.

For general questions please contact: 

For question related to national eligibility requirements for Croatia please contact Ms Jasminka Boljević:  jasminka@hrzz.hr.

CALL DOCUMENTS are available on the CHANSE website.


Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities

CHANSE – Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe and HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area are launching a call for international research projects on Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities.


Project team: Composed of at least four and maximum six Principal Investigators, i.e. partners, eligible to receive funding from four or more different countries participating in the call

National/Regional Eligibility Requirements:

Each partner must fulfil the conditions of the national/regional Funding Organisation, as described in the National/Regional Eligibility Requirements document

National Eligibility Requirements for Croatian applicants (.pdf)

Project duration: 24-36 months

Funding per project: up to a maximum amount of 1,500,000 € (across all partners)

The goal of the Well-being Call is to fund innovative social science research addressing one or more of the call themes. This call aims to promote diversity in research. When building research consortia, applicants are strongly encouraged to take into account the following aspects:

  • Gender balance
  • Academic age balance
  • Geographical diversity
  • Knowledge exchange and impact

Proposals must be submitted via the 
EPSS system.


  • Official call announcement and launch of the submission system: May 26th, 2023
  • Deadline for outline proposals: September 21st, 2023, 14.00 CET
  • Deadline for invited full proposals: March 26th 2024, 14.00 CET
  • Call results: October/November 2024
  • Earliest funded project start: December 2024/March 2025


Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a partner search tool available here: https://www2.ncn.gov.pl/partners/chanse/. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.

An online webinar will be hosted by the Call Secretariat on June 14th 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 CET, aiming to answer the questions related to the call.
More information will be available soon.

For general questions please contact: 

For question related to national eligibility requirements for Croatia please contact Ms Jasminka Boljević: jasminka@hrzz.hr.

CALL DOCUMENTS are available on the CHANSE website.


QuantERA II (ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies) is a consortium of national and regional Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) in Europe supporting research in QT.

On 26 January, QuantERA II launched a Call for transnational research projects in Quantum Science and Technologies. 35 RFOs from 26 countries are participating in the Call, with the Croatian Science Foundation the most recent RFO to join the Call.

The submitted proposals are expected to be aligned with one of the two QuantERA Call 2023 topics:

 – Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR) – where the goal is to lay the foundations for the QT of the future. The focus is on basic quantum science and fundamental physics, and the projects should explore novel quantum phenomena, concepts, resources, protocols, algorithms, and/or address major challenges that prevent broad applications of some quantum technologies;

– Applied Quantum Science (AQS) – where the goal is to take known quantum effects and established concepts from quantum science, translate them into technological applications and develop new products. These could be novel devices that are based on known quantum effects and that will serve a novel application in QT, or devices and systems that translate known quantum applications into products and industrial applications

A project proposal is submitted by a transnational consortium, which should be composed of at least three partners from at least three countries participating in the Call. Project implementation period should be between 24 and 36 months.

The proposal is submitted by the consortium coordinator.

Text of the Call 

Factsheet Quantera – HRZZ (document describing eligibility criteria for Croatian applicants)

Deadline for proposals submission: 11 May 2023, 17:00 CET

After the joint proposal has been submitted, the Croatian applicant should submit additional documentation to the Croatian Science Foundation: 

1. Financial Plan of the Croatian research team (extracted from the joint proposal)
2. Copy of the proposal submitted by the consortium
3. Host Organization Support Letter
4. Letters of intent for team members that are not employed by the Host Organization

Croatian applicants may send their queries to jasminka@hrzz.hr.



Pursuant to the Bilateral Collaboration Agreement between the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) as part of the Weave initiative, the Croatian Science Foundation is launching the call for co-financing the Croatian part of Slovenian-Croatian joint research projects. The Slovenian-Croatian joint research project shall comprise of a Slovenian and a Croatian research team, headed by the Slovenian Principal Investigator. The Slovenian Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal and submits it to the Call published by the Slovenian Research Agency.

In parallel to this, the Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, submits to the Croatian Science Foundation their application, which consists of the Administrative Form, Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the project, Institutional Support Form, letters of intent and additional documents.

The project proposals should contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the individual scientific contribution of the Slovenian and Croatian scientists. The Slovenian and Croatian parts of the joint research project should be closely connected, complementary, while the scientific contribution of both sides should be clearly elaborated, visible and transparent.

The evaluation process for this Call will be conducted by ARRS while HRZZ will take part in assessing the eligibility of the applicants. Project proposals ranked within the first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding.

Call IPS-2023-02 in brief:

Call publication date: 07 February 2023

Submission deadline: the joint application is to be submitted to ARRS by 28 February 2023 @14.00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 3 March 2023 until 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.

The Call is open to all scientific fields.

Project funding duration: 3 years

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in both English and Croatian.

All questions are to be sent to the email address ips@hrzz.hr.


CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Research Projects – Slovenian-Croatian bilateral projects (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)

Data Management Plan (.doc) (submitted in Croatian)


CHIST-ERA is a consortium of research funding organisations in Europe and beyond supporting use-inspired basic research in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) or at the interface between ICT and other domains. The CHIST-ERA consortium is itself supported by Horizon Europe within the European Innovation Council’s Pathfinder programme. CHIST-ERA promotes novel and multidisciplinary research with the potential to lead to significant technology breakthroughs in the long term. The funding organisations jointly support high risk and high impact research projects selected in the framework of CHIST-ERA, in order to reinforce European capabilities in promising new or emerging ICT or ICT related research topics.

In November 2022, the Consortium launched its annual Call for Proposals. The Call is open for proposals on the following topics: 1) Security and Privacy in Decentralised and Distributed Systems (SPiDDS), 2) Machine Learning-based Communication Systems, towards Wireless AI (WAI).

The Croatian Science Foundation joined the Call upon invitation by the Consortium and Croatian research teams are now eligible to apply to the Call as part of transnational consortia. N.B.: Croatian teams are only eligible to apply in Topic 2) Machine Learning-based Communication Systems, towards Wireless AI (WAI).

The Call is open for transnational consortia consisting of a minimum of three and a maximum of six partners from at least three countries participating in the Call. Each partner shall receive funding from its competent research funding organization. The Croatian Science Foundation is able to fund one research team from Croatia.

Text of the Call and eligibility conditions are available at the following link: https://www.chistera.eu/call-2022-announcement

Call deadline: 2 February 2023

Specific eligibility requirements for Croatian partners have been defined in the document “Factsheet-Croatia-CHIST-ERA 2022“.

After the project consortium submits their joint application, Croatian team leaders are required to send additional documents to the Croatian Science Foundation:

Organization Support Form (in Croatian)
Data Management Plan (in Croatian)

These documents should be delivered by 6 February 2023.

For further information, please contact the Head of the Department for International Cooperation Ms Jasminka Boljević at jasminka@hrzz.hr.


Research Projects

The Programme “Research Projects” has been established for funding fundamental research whose goal is creating new and enhancing existing knowledge about a specific area and that is directed at better understanding of the research topic as well as applied research that is conducted with clear technological, economic or social aims in mind.

The Call is also open for submission of bilateral and multilateral project proposals in collaboration with Slovenian and/or Swiss research teams through the Weave initiative. 

Call IP-2022-10 in brief:

Call publication date: 24 May 2022
Submission deadline: 05 October 2022 @13.00 (CET)
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Project funding duration: 4 years


Call for Proposals IP-2020-20 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Application Form (.doc)

Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Partner Institution Support Letter (.doc)

Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria A (.pdf)
Evaluation Criteria B (.pdf)
Evaluation Criteria C (.pdf)


Research Projects – Bilateral Swiss-Croatian Projects (IPCH-2022-10)

Pursuant to the Multilateral Lead Agency cooperation agreement signed between the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) as part of the Weave initiative, the Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects. Croatian scientists in collaboration with their Swiss partners can submit their joint proposals to SNSF’s Call for Proposals, which is open until 1 October 2022. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle, whereby the Lead Agency is in charge of the proposal evaluation process in line with its internal procedures. Eligibility criteria for Croatian scientists are identical to eligibility criteria for the Call “Research Projects”.

The Call “Research projects – Swiss-Croatian bilateral projects” will finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject. The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.

The Call IPCH-2022-10 funds the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects
 which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as the Lead Agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organizations have been met. Project proposals ranked within the first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal pursuant to the Call published by the Swiss National Science Foundation and submits it to the SNSF Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Swiss and Croatian researchers. Swiss and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, Curriculum Vitae with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call IPCH-2022-04 in brief:

Call opening date:
 29 June 2022
Call closing date: the joint application is to be submitted to SNSF by 1 October 2022 at 17:00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 5 October 2022 at 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Swiss partner
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group
Project funding duration: up to 4 years
Estimated project start date: not before 1 June 2023

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in English only. The Applicant shall be responsible for the equivalence of the proposal to the proposal submitted by the Swiss PI to SNSF.

All questions are to be sent to the email address ipch@hrzz.hr.


Call for Proposals (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)


Research Projects – Bilateral Swiss-Croatian Projects (IPCH-2022-04)

Pursuant to the Multilateral Lead Agency cooperation agreement signed between the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) as part of the Weave initiative, the Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects. Croatian scientists in collaboration with their Swiss partners can submit their joint proposals to SNSF’s Call for Proposals, which is open until 1 April 2022. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle, whereby the Lead Agency is in charge of the proposal evaluation process in line with its internal procedures. Eligibility criteria for Croatian scientists are identical to eligibility criteria for the Call “Research Projects”.

The Call “Research projects – Swiss-Croatian bilateral projects” will finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject. The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.

The Call IPCH-2022-04 funds the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects
 which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as the Lead Agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organizations have been met. Project proposals ranked within the first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal pursuant to the Call published by the Swiss National Science Foundation and submits it to the SNSF Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Swiss and Croatian researchers. Swiss and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, Curriculum Vitae with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call IPCH-2022-04 in brief:

Call opening date:
 12 January 2022
Call closing date: the joint application is to be submitted to SNSF by 1 April 2022 at 17:00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 4 April 2022 until 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Swiss partner
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group
Project funding duration: up to 4 years
Estimated project start date: not before 1 November 2022.

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in both English and Croatian. The Applicant shall be responsible for the equivalence of the two language versions and the equivalence of the proposal to the proposal submitted by the Swiss PI to SNSF.

All questions are to be sent to the email address ipch@hrzz.hr.


Call for Proposals (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)



Pursuant to the Bilateral Collaboration Agreement between the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) part of the Weave initiative, the Croatian Science Foundation publishes the call for co-financing the Croatian part of Slovenian-Croatian joint research projects. The Slovenian-Croatian joint research project shall comprise of a Slovenian and a Croatian research team, headed by the Slovenian Principal Investigator. The Slovenian Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal and submits it to the Call published by the Slovenian Research Agency.

In parallel to this, the Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, submits to the Croatian Science Foundation their application, which consists of the Administrative Form, Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the project, Institutional Support Form, letters of intent and additional documents.

The project proposals should contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the individual scientific contribution of the Slovenian and Croatian scientists. The Slovenian and Croatian parts of the joint research project should be closely connected, complementary, while the scientific contribution of both sides should be clearly elaborated, visible and transparent.

The evaluation process for this Call will be conducted by ARRS while HRZZ will take part in assessing the eligibility of the applicants. Project proposals ranked within the first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding.

Call IPS-2020-01 in brief:

Call publication date: 12 January 2022

Submission deadline: the joint application is to be submitted to ARRS by 28 February 2022 @13.00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 4 March 2022 until 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 3 years

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in both English and Croatian.

All questions are to be sent to the email address ips@hrzz.hr.


CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Research Projects – Slovenian-Croatian bilateral projects (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.doc)
Work plan (.doc)
Financial plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)


Support to Researchers for Applying to European Research Council Programmes

The objective of the present Call is to develop collaboration between Croatian researchers (Visiting Researcher) and current ERC Principal Investigators (Host Researcher), with the aim to gain experience and to develop and prepare their own project proposal to ERC Grants.

Call launch date
: 1 October 2021
Call closing date: 29 October 2021 at 13:00 (CET)

The Call is open to all scientific fields.

: researcher with internationally recognised achievements in science and/or technology

Maximum monthly expenses per researcher: 
EUR 2,000 per month (net amount in HRK equivalent)

Duration of the visit1 to 4 months

Estimated end of evaluation: January 2022

Applications should be submitted via email to the following address: ercpotpora@hrzz.hr.

Call documents:

Text of the Call (.pdf)

Application form (.doc)

Letter of support of the ERC Principal Investigator (u slobodnoj formi)

Proposal Evaluation Form (.pdf)

List of ERC Principal Investigators who expressed their interest in hosting Visiting Researchers (.pdf, contact details available on request)


Research Projects – Bilateral Swiss-Croatian Projects (IPCH-2021-10)

Pursuant to the Multilateral Lead Agency cooperation agreement signed between the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), the Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects. Croatian scientists in collaboration with their Swiss partners can submit their joint proposals to SNSF’s Call for Proposals, which is open until 1 October 2021. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle, whereby the Lead Agency is in charge of the proposal evaluation process in line with its internal procedures. Eligibility criteria for Croatian scientists are identical to eligibility criteria for the Call “Research Projects”.

The Call “Research projects – Swiss-Croatian bilateral projects” will finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject. The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.

The Call IPCH-2021-04 funds the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects
 which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as the Lead Agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organizations have been met.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal pursuant to the Call published by the Swiss National Science Foundation and submits it to the SNSF Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Swiss and Croatian researchers. Swiss and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, Curriculum Vitae with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call opening date:
 12 July 2021
Call closing date: the joint application is to be submitted to SNSF by 1 October 2021 at 17:00 (CET); the Croatian applicant needs to submit the Croatian part of the proposal until 4 October 2021 until 12:00 (CET) into the EPP system.
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Swiss partner
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group
Project funding duration: up to 4 years
Estimated project start date: 1 May 2022 at the earliest.

Project proposals ranked within the first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding.

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in both English and Croatian. The Applicant shall be responsible for the equivalence of the two language versions and the equivalence of the proposal to the proposal submitted by the Swiss PI to SNSF.


Call for Proposals (.pdf)
Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)

BlueBio 2021

The Blue Bio network (ERA-NET Cofund in Blue Bioeconomy – Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources) launched its second additional Call for Proposals.

This call aims to facilitate research and innovation to underpin sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources. This will encompass an integrated food systems approach to ensure ecosystem integrity and resilience.

The following partners are providing funding for this second additional call: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, and Norway. The Croatian Science Foundation shall contribute to the Call with 100.000 EUR.

The transnational consortium must consist of at least three independent eligible legal entities from at least three BlueBio partner countries. All proposals must involve partners from industry. Participation of SMEs is especially encouraged.

Short proposal submission deadline: 20 September 2021 @13.00 CET via BlueBio’s electronic submission system.

All documents and information related to the Call can be found at the following link: https://bluebioeconomy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/BlueBio-2nd-additional-call-document_FINAL.pdf

Leaders of Croatian research teams within project consortia are obliged to submit additional documentation to the Croatian Science Foundation not later than 2 days after the whole consortium has submitted their proposal as described in the document below:

Croatian applicants are invited to direct their questions directly to the Croatian Science Foundation: Ms Jasminka Boljević (Head of the Deparment for International Programmes and Funds), e-mail: jasminka@hrzz.hr.


TAP 2021

Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World

The T-AP RRR call aims to address key gaps in our understanding of the dynamic and complex interaction of medium and long-term societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic. This understanding, in turn, should advance knowledge of how to mitigate the negative societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic and support recovery and renewal in a post-pandemic world.

Call topics:

  1. reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities;
  2. building a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable society;
  3. fostering democratic governance and political participation;
  4. advancing responsible and inclusive digital innovation; and
  5. ensuring effective and accurate communication and media.

Tentative Timeline

  • Call opening date: 12th April 2021
  • Webinars: April and May 2021
  • Compulsory Intention to submit form deadline: 14th June 2021
  • Closing date for submissions of full proposals: 12th July 2021
  • Successful projects start date: March 2022

Project consortia: Applicants must apply as a transnational research project partnership. Each project must comprise at least three eligible Principal Investigators from at least three different T-AP participating countries from both sides of the Atlantic. The consortium shall designate one of the Principal Investigators as the project’s Lead Principal Investigator.

Expected duration of projects: between 24 and 36 months

Call budget:
 There is no defined maximum budget per project. However, each project partner should abide by the limitations defined by their competent funding agency. The maximum amount that can be requested by Croatian partners is EUR 100.000.

The call procedure is managed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Project proposals are submitted through FAPESP’s SAGe system. The SAGe registration and submission process is described on the RRR Call website.

The Lead Principal Investigator (PI) must submit an Intention to Submit Form by 14th June 2021 using an online form. Proposals whose Lead PI has not submitted the ItS form by the deadline will not be considered for evaluation. Though some project details may be modified, and Principal Investigators may be changed and added upon proposal submission, the Lead PI cannot change.

The deadline for submission of full proposals is 12th July 2021.

Text of the Call

Leaders of Croatian research teams are obliged to submit additional documentation to the Croatian Science Foundation not later than 2 days after the whole consortium has submitted their proposal:

– copy of the submitted full proposal
– Financial Plan
– Institutional Support Letter signed by Head of the PI’s Organization
– Approval from the Organization’s Ethics Committee (if applicable)
– Letters of intent for all team members not employed at the PI’s Organization

The official Call announcement is available on the RRR Call website.

For more information about the Call, please contact dario@hrzz.hr.

QuantERA 2021

Call for Transnational Research Proposals supporting the topics of Quantum Phenomena and Resources and Applied Quantum Science
(QuantERA 2021)

The funding organisations of QuantERA II jointly support European multilateral research projects with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of QT through collaborations exploring advanced multidisciplinary science and/or cutting-edge engineering.

The QuantERA consortium is launching a new call for proposals in quantum information and communication sciences and technologies. The call will comprise two topics: Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR), and Applied Quantum Science (AQS).

Maximum call budget: € 40 million

Maximum budget for Croatian applicants: € 200,000

The project consortia must have a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.

Standard consortium size: Three to six partners.

The consortium must be balanced:

– At most 60% of the total requested funding may be requested by partners from one country;

– At most 40% of the total requested funding may be requested by a single partner.

Each partner must fulfil the conditions of the national/regional funding organisation, as described in the Annex (p. 19).

The call follows a two-stage submission and evaluation procedure. First, a short outline proposal, the pre-proposal (max. 12 pages), is submitted. If the pre-proposal is selected, the consortium is invited to submit a detailed proposal, i.e. the full proposal (max. 35 pages).

Evaluation: Pre- and full proposals are evaluated based on the EC FET criteria of Excellence, Impact, and Quality and efficiency of the implementation.

Call timeline:

– Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 13th May 2021, 17:00 CET

– Notification of accepted pre-proposals: July 2021

– Deadline for full proposal submission: 15th September 2021, 17:00 CET

– Notification of accepted proposals: December 2021

– Start date for funded projects: Early 2022

Call for Proposals (.pdf)

The official application forms are available on the QuantERA website.

In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a partner search tool available here: https://ncn.gov.pl/partners/quantera/. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.

Potential applicants from Croatia are invited to contact the Head of HRZZ’s Department for International Programmes and Funds, Ms Jasminka Boljević at jasminka@hrzz.hr.


Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age

The call “Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age” aims to fund transnational, excellent, multidisciplinary research projects which will help understand how digital innovations give rise to social and cultural changes and at the same time how they are influenced by society and culture.

Call topics:

1. Cultural Transformations in the Digital Age
2. Digitalization and Social Transformation.

Total call budget: EUR 36 million. Maximum project budget of 1,500,000 EUR across all participating partners is recommended.

Project duration: 24-36 months

Project consortia: Each collaborative research project (CRP) must comprise at least four Principal Investigators (PI), i.e. Partners, from four or more different countries participating in the call (“4-4 rule”). Each partner must meet the conditions of the national/regional Funding Organisation, as described in the National/Regional Eligibility Requirements document.

Call documentation:

Text of the Call

National/Regional Eligibility Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions

The official application forms are available on the CHANSE website.

The call follows a two-stage submission and evaluation procedure. First, a short Outline Proposal is submitted. If the outline is selected, the project consortium is invited to submit the Full Proposal. Outline Proposals must be submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of all Principal Investigators via the Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS) before the deadline of 7th May 2021, 14:00 CET.

For additional information regarding the Call, please contact Ms Jasminka Boljević, Head of the Department for International Programmes and Funds at jasminka@hrzz.hr.


Research Projects – Bilateral Swiss-Croatian Projects (IPCH-2020-04)

Pursuant to the Multilateral Lead Agency cooperation agreement signed between the Swiss National Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), the Croatian Science Foundation is launching a Call for co-funding of the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects. Croatian scientists in collaboration with their Swiss partners can submit their joint proposals to SNSF’s Call for Proposals, which is open until 1 April 2021. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle, whereby the Lead Agency is in charge of the proposal evaluation process in line with its internal procedures. Eligibility criteria for Croatian scientists are identical to eligibility criteria for the Call “Research Projects”.

The Call “Research projects – Swiss-Croatian bilateral projects” will finance fundamental research which creates new and enhances existing knowledge about a particular area and is aimed at better understanding of the research subject. The proposed topic must be internationally recognisable and/or nationally relevant, and the Applicant must have an excellent track record.

The Call IPCH-2021-04 funds the Croatian part of Swiss-Croatian research projects
 which have received positive evaluation marks in the international peer review process conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as the Lead Agency and which have been accepted for funding under the condition that formal criteria from both partner organizations have been met.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal pursuant to the Call published by the Swiss National Science Foundation and submits it to the SNSF Call. Project proposals contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the scientific contribution of Swiss and Croatian researchers. Swiss and Croatian parts of the research project need to be closely connected and complementary and the scientific contribution from both sides needs to be clearly defined, visible and transparent.

The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, Curriculum Vitae with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call opening date:
 11 January 2021
Call closing date: 1 April 2021 until 17:00 (CET) joint application is submitted to SNSF, Croatian applicant needs to submit Croatian part of the proposal until 2 April 2021 until 12:00 (CET) into EPP system.
The Call is open to all scientific fields
Principal Investigator: distinguished scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/ or technology within the research field of the proposed project with the Swiss partner
Project: fundamental research conducted by a distinguished research group
Project proposals ranked and proposed for financing among first 20% of all submitted proposals to SNSF will be recommended for funding
Project funding duration:
 up to 4 years
Call results are expected to be published around September 2021
Estimated project start date: within one year, 1 November 2021 at the earliest.

Applications are submitted through the EPP system only, in both English and Croatian. The Applicant shall be responsible for the equivalence of the two language versions and the equivalence of the proposal to the proposal submitted by the Swiss PI to SNSF.


Call for Proposals (.pdf)
Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)


Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students

The Call is open for application to candidates for mentor.
The mentor is the person responsible for the doctoral student’s scientific progress and should be an active researcher. The mentor’s application should clearly define the doctoral student’s training modules, work methods and tasks, as well as how the acquired knowledge is to be applied.

Call DOK-2020-02 in brief

Call opening date: 12 January 2021
Call closing date: 16 February 2021 until 13:00 (CET)
The Call is open to all scientific fields.
: scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology.
Estimated number of funded doctoral students: 200
Single amount of funding: doctoral student’s annual gross salary
Project funding duration: 4 years maximum
Estimated beginning of financing: mid-2021

Call for Proposals

Application Forms

Form A – Mentor’s application (in Croatian)

Form B – Career Development Plan (in Croatian)

Form C – Institutional Support Letter (in Croatian)


Thematic Call for Research Projects
“Health, Economic and Educational Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic” (IP-CORONA-2020-12)

The objective of the Call is to finance fundamental and applied scientific research that creates new and improves existing knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and enhancing society’s resilience to emergency situations, with an emphasis on the protection of health of the population, sustainable economic recovery and growth and strengthening high-quality and inclusive educational system in the Republic of Croatia.

Research topics include: health aspects of the pandemic (biology and pathogeneses of COVID-19, development of new approaches to therapy and diagnostics of COVID-19, clinical characterization and management of the COVID-19 disease, epidemiological research), economic and legal aspects of the pandemic (role of pandemic-induced public and economic policies in the recovery and increase of resilience of the entrepreneurship and non-profit sectors, effects of the pandemic and guidelines for sustainable recovery of the services and tourism sectors, legislative framework of economic and social measures adopted for health protection during the pandemic and guidelines for their improvement) and educational and pedagogic aspects of the pandemic (reducing social interactions during distance learning and outcomes of the educational process, educational priorities, adjustment of teaching methods and school curriculum and support at all education levels for achieving optimal educational outcomes during the pandemic, education and care for especially vulnerable groups during the pandemic).

Projects selected for funding through this Call should be based on innovative research ideas and strong research teams that will conduct their research in Croatian scientific institutions. Principal Investigators should be internationally acclaimed scientists. National and international networking of research teams and pooling of equipment and other research capacities is strongly encouraged.

Call opening date: 11 November 2020
Application deadline: 21 December 2020 @ 13.00 (CET)
Budget: c. HRK 10,000,000.00; funding per project: between HRK 600,000.00 and 1,500,000.00 for Research Topic 1, between HRK 400,000.00 and 750,000.00 for Research Topics 2 and 3.
Project funding period: 18 months
Estimated start of projects: April 2021

Text of the Call (.pdf)



The present Call enables Swiss-Croatian research teams to apply to calls published by both the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Croatian Science Foundation. The Call is implemented according to the Lead Agency principle. In the present Call, the role of Lead Agency is assumed by SNSF. 

The Call IPCH-2020-10 in brief:

Call opening date: 10 July 2020
Application deadline: joint proposal should be submitted to SNSF by 1 October 2020 @17.00 (CET), while the Croatian PI should submit their supporting documents to the Croatian Science Foundation’s EPP system by 2 October 2020 by 12.00 noon (CET).
Research areas: all scientific disciplines
Project funding duration: 4 years


Call for Proposals (.pdf)
Administrative Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Institutional Support Letter (.doc)

Apart from the documents above, the Croatian PI should also submit the following documents (PDF versions of documents submitted to SNSF): CV with five-year track record and research results in the previous five-year period.

More information on the Lead Agency procedure can be found at the following link: http://www.snf.ch/en/funding/projects/lead-agency/croatia/Pages/default.aspx.

More information on the submission to SNSF can be found at the following link: http://www.snf.ch/en/funding/projects/projects-in-all-disciplines/Pages/default.aspx.


ERA-NET COFUND on the Blue Bioeconomy – BlueBio

The Call is targeted on supply systems in the blue bioeconomy: logistics and transportation – from harvest to processing

Short proposal submission deadline: 14 September 2020 @13.00 CET.

All documents and information related to the Call can be found at the following link: https://bluebioeconomy.eu/bluebio-call-announcement/.

Leaders of Croatian research teams within project consortia are obliged to submit additional documentation to the Croatian Science Foundation not later than 2 days after the whole consortium has submitted their proposal.

Croatian applicants are invited to direct their questions directly to the Croatian Science Foundation: Jasminka Boljević (Head of the Deparment for International Programmes and Funds), e-mail: jasminka@hrzz.hr.


Call for Proposals “Management of infectious diseases caused by coronaviruses and social and educational aspects of the pandemic”(IP-CORONA-2020-04)

The aim of the Call is enhancing our understanding of the biology and pathogenesis of the coronavirus, more specifically SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 infectous disease, crisis management during and after the epidemics caused by coronaviruses and the organization and implementation of distance learning at all levels of the education system.

Research topics of the Call:

  1. Response of the immune system and development of novel diagnostic approaches to COVID-19
  2. Development of new vaccines, treatments as well as drugs and agents for COVID-19 inhibition
  3. Social aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Educational aspects of the pandemic

Call publication date: 30 March 2020

Submission deadline: 20 April 2020 @13.00 (CET)

Budget: around HRK 14 million; HRK 600,000 to 1,500,000 per project for research topics 1 and 2, HRK 400,000 to 750,000 per project for research topics 3 and 4

Project funding duration: 18 months

Approximate project start date: June 2020

Text of the Call (.doc)


Research Projects

The Programme “Research Projects” has been established for funding fundamental research whose goal is creating new and enhancing existing knowledge about a specific area and that is directed at better understanding of the research topic as well as applied research that is conducted with clear technological, economic or social aims in mind.

Call IP-2020-02 in brief:

Call publication date: 29 November 2019

Submission deadline: 13 February 2020 @13.00 (CET)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 4 years

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Installation Research Projects

The goal of the Programme “Installation Research Projects” is providing support to the establishment of new research groups of young scientists in order to accelerate the establishment of autonomous research careers after the acquisition of a doctoral degree. Scientists who were evaluated positively will have the opportunity to establish their own research groups that will engage in innovative research topics.

The Programme shall enable young scientists to establish their own research group and laboratory (in case a laboratory is required for the research) during a five-year period. The project proposal should primarily include the development of new research topics and/or methodology.

The Call is intended for researchers that obtained their doctorate at least two years and at most seven years before the Call deadline, who would like to form or develop a new research team and become independent researchers.

Call UIP-2020-02 in brief:

Objective: supporting the development of autonomous research careers of young scientists in its crucial stage, when they are capable of establishing a new research group that would deal with internationally competitive and/or nationally relevant scientific topics.

Call publication date: 29 November 2019

Submission deadline: 13 February 2020 @13.00 (CET)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

The Applicant: scientist who acquired his/her PhD more than 2 but less than 7 years ago from the closing date of the Installation Research Projects Call.

Project funding duration: 5 years

Text of the Call (.pdf)



Pursuant to the Bilateral Collaboration Agreement between the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), the Croatian Science Foundation publishes the call for co-financing the Croatian part of Slovenian-Croatian joint research projects. The Slovenian-Croatian joint research project shall comprise of a Slovenian and a Croatian research team, headed by the Slovenian Principal Investigator. The Slovenian Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a project proposal and submits it to the Call published by the Slovenian Research Agency.

In parallel to this, the Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, submits to the Croatian Science Foundation their application, which consists of the Administrative Form, Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the project, Institutional Support Form, letters of intent and additional documents.

The project proposals should contain a joint scientific description of the project and indicate the individual scientific contribution of the Slovenian and Croatian scientists. The Slovenian and Croatian parts of the joint research project should be closely connected, complementary, while the scientific contribution of both sides should be clearly elaborated, visible and transparent.

Application procedure:

  1. The Slovenian Principal Investigator submits a joint project proposal by the Slovenian-Croatian research group to the relevant agency, i.e. to the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) with complete documentation as specified in the ARRS Call.
  2. At the same time, the Croatian principal investigator submits an application to the Croatian Science Foundation.
  3. The application to HRZZ consists of the Administrative Form, Work Plan, Financial Plan, Institutional Support Letter, letters of intent and additional documents. The Work Plan contains activities of the joint project which will be conducted by the Croatian research group, while the Financial Plan contains only the costs to be funded by HRZZ.
  4. The evaluation process for this Call will be conducted by ARRS while HRZZ will take part in assessing the eligibility of the applicants.

Call IPS-2020-01 in brief:

Call publication date: 13 December 2019

Submission deadline: 29 January 2020 @13.00 (CET)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 3 years

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students

The goal of the Call is securing stable financing of doctoral students’ career development. Mentors will be provided with an opportunity to include research-oriented doctoral students into their projects, thus directing their careers toward top-notch science. The ultimate goal of the Project is to educate new PhDs, who would purrsue a career in competitive research or the economy.

The Programme provides for funding doctoral students’ gross salaries, the primary aim being the delivery of a doctoral dissertation and adopting knowledge regarding basic postulates of scientific work and research.

Call publication date: 19 November 2019

Mentors’ application deadline: 21 January @ 13.00 (CET)

Mentor: scientist with internationally recognised achievements in science and/or technology Researchers from all areas of science are eligible to apply.

Approximate number of doctoral students to be funded: 200

Individual amount of funding: total cost of doctoral student’s salary

Duration of funding: 4 years maximum

Approximate project start date: mid-2020

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Support to Researchers for Applying to European Research Council Programmes

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Research Projects

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Installation Research Projects

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Cooperation Programme with Croatian Scientists in Diaspora “RESEARCH COOPERABILITY”

Text of the Call (.pdf)


QuantERA Call 2019 for Transnational Research Proposals in the field of Quantum Technologies

Text of the Call (.pdf)

Original Call


Partnership in Research

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Tenure Track Pilot Programme

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Croatian-Swiss Research Programme 2017-2023 

Text of the Call (.pdf)

DOK-2018-01 (ESF)

Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Research Projects

Text of the Call (.pdf)


Installation Research Projects

Text of the Call (.pdf)