Open calls



The Programme “Research Projects” funds basic research that creates new knowledge or improves existing knowledge about a particular field as well as applied research conducted with clear technological, economic, or social objectives. The proposed topic must be internationally recognized and/or of national significance, and the project should be managed by a strong research team led by Principal Investigators with international and national reputation and an excellent track record.

The Applicant is a legal entity that submits a project proposal to the Call. Eligible applicants are: higher education institutions, scientific institutes and other legal entities that have been granted the permit to conduct scientific activity pursuant to the Act on Ensuring Quality in Science and Higher Education (Official Gazette 151/2022).

The Call is also open for submission of bilateral and multilateral project proposals in collaboration with Slovenian, Swiss and/or Czech research teams through the Weave initiative.

Call IP-2025-02 in brief:

Call launch date: 20 January 2025

Submission deadline: 24 February 2025 @13.00 (CEST)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 3 years

Maximum total project budget: 200.000,00 EUR

Minimum total project budget: 60.000,00 EUR


Call for Proposals IP-2025-02 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.pdf)
Application Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Partner Organization Support Letter (.doc)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria – peer review (.pdf)



The Programme “Installation Research Projects” provides funding for research that supports the development of independent research careers for scientists after obtaining a PhD and the establishment of new research groups focusing on internationally recognized and nationally relevant topics. The call is a logical continuation of postdoctoral training and targets the moment in a scientist’s career when they are ready to develop new research themes and/or methodologies. The legal entity (applicant) must provide clear and concrete support for the work of the emerging research group and describe how the new research theme being developed through the foundational research project will integrate into the existing development strategy.

The Applicant is a legal entity that submits a project proposal for the call. Eligible applicants include higher education institutions, scientific institutes, and other research-oriented organizations that have at least five PhD holders employed for more than one year (as detailed in the Call).

Call IP-2025-02 in brief:

Call launch date: 20 January 2025

Submission deadline: 24. Ferbruary 2025 @13.00 (CEST)

The Call is open to all scientific fields

Project funding duration: 5 years

Maximum total funding per project: 300,000.00 EUR

Minimum total project budget: 125.000,00 EUR

Total funds for the call: 18 million EUR

Expected project implementation start: second half of 2025

Project proposals are to be submitted only through the EPP system.


Call for Proposals UIP-2025-02 (.pdf)

Administrative Form (.pdf)
Application Form (.doc)
Work Plan (.doc)
Financial Plan (.xls)
Research Data Management Plan (.doc)

Evaluation Criteria – peer review (.pdf)



The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral and stable programme of funding young researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. This Programme finances the development of scientific careers of young researchers, striving toward continuous education and exchange of knowledge with the ultimate aim of creating a network of scientists whose skills can compete in the international scientific community.

The Call is open for application to research institutions, who nominate candidates for mentors of future research doctoral students. The mentor is the person responsible for the doctoral student’s scientific progress and should be an active researcher. The application should clearly define the doctoral student’s training modules, work methods and tasks, as well as how the acquired knowledge is to be applied.

Call DOK-2025-02 in brief

Call opening date: 20 January 2025
Call closing date: 24 February 2025 until 13:00 (CET)
The Call is open to all scientific fields.
: scientist with internationally recognized achievements in science and/or technology.
Estimated number of funded doctoral students: 220
Single amount of funding: doctoral student’s annual gross salary
Project funding duration: 5 years in case of scientific institute, 6 years in case of higher education institution
Estimated beginning of financing: second half of 2025

Call for Proposals (in Croatian)

Two calls are permanently open: 

  • Outbound Mobility of Research Assistants (MOBDOK-2023)
  • Support to researchers for Applying to European Research Council Calls (ERC-2023) 

More information about these calls is available on our Croatian site.

Future calls

Other new calls will be announced when sufficient funds have been secured for their implementation.