The Croatian Science Foundation funds projects solely on the basis of public calls, the terms and conditions of which are defined by the Board. Project proposals may be submitted only upon publication of a specific call for proposals, on the Foundation’s official forms and in the manner as defined in the Call.

Project proposals are submitted only in electronic form via the Foundation’s Electronic Application System (EPP), which serves not only for the application procedure but also for monitoring funded projects. The EPP system may be accessed only through a user account. If you are not a registered user, you can register here. When submitting a project proposal, the applicant should select the scientific field to which their project proposal belongs.

The electronic version of project proposals should contain all required signatures and certifications, while printed versions are not required. Upon expiry of the call closing date, no proposals may be submitted, amended or changed.

Key elements of the application process:

  • The application shall be submitted by the Principal Investigator on behalf of the scientific organization (the Applicant is a legal entity).
  • All documents related to the application shall be submitted in a single submission via the electronic proposal submission system (EPP), which is accessible via the CSF’s website or through the following link:
  • Application forms, number of pages and characters are pre-defined and no exceptions are possible.
  • The submission of project proposals is governed by rules, which should be studied before submitting the project proposal.

The entire project proposal submission and evaluation procedure is implemented electronically, through the Foundation’s EPP system. The evaluation procedure is composed of the following stages: