International Fellowships for Research in Japan

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) implements International Fellowship Programs that provide excellent researchers from other countries an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan.

There are currently four fellowship categories taking applications for overseas researchers’ visits to Japan, for which Croatian researchers at different stages of their careers are also eligible. Applications are submitted to JSPS by Japanese scientists in the capacity of Host Researchers to overseas researchers.



Duration of visit

Application deadline

Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Provides opportunities for pre-/post-doctoral researchers from other countries to conduct cooperative research under the guidance of their hosts with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.


12-24 months

3 September 2021

6 May 2022


1-12 months

1 October 2021

14 January 2022

3 June 2022

Invitational Fellowships:
Invites overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievement to collaborate with Japanese colleagues in carrying out research, to engage in discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures, and other activities.


2-10 months

3 September 2021


14 to 60 days

3 September 2021

6 May 2022

The awarded funds cover roundtrip air ticket to Japan, monthly maintenance allowance, travel insurance and additional allowances depending on fellowship category. Eligibility criteria for Host Researchers and Overseas Researchers are described in the following document. Please check JSPS’ website for more information. 

Croatian researchers are invited to make use of this opportunity and connect with their Japanese peers. If you have additional questions about these fellowships or need assistance with setting up collaboration with Japanese researchers, please contact the Croatian Science Foundation at

An additional collaboration opportunity for Croatian and Japanese scientists is provided within JSPS’ program Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars. The next call within this Program is expected to be published in June.