Call for Proposals "Research Projects – Swiss-Croatian Bilateral Projects"

Pursuant to the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement signed between the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) within the Weave initiative, HRZZ is opening the Call for funding the Croatian part of joint Swiss-Croatian research projects.

The joint Swiss-Croatian research project is implemented by a Swiss and a Croatian research team, headed by the Swiss Principal Investigator. The Swiss Principal Investigator, in collaboration with their Croatian partner, prepares a joint project proposal and submits it to the SNSF Call. The Croatian team, headed by the Croatian Principal Investigator, in parallel to this, submits a separate application to HRZZ, which consists of the following documents: Administrative Form, CV with five-year track record (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), list of research results in the previous five-year period (PDF of document submitted to SNSF), Work Plan and Financial Plan of the Croatian part of the joint research project, Letter of Support by the PI’s Organization, letters of intent and additional documents.

Call IPCH-2021-04 in brief:

Call opening date: 11 January 2021
Application deadline: the joint proposal should be submitted to SNSF by 1 April  2021 @ 17.00 (CET), while the Croatian PI should submit their application to the EPP system by 2 April 2021 @ 12.00 noon (CET)
Research field: the Call is open to all scientific disciplines
Funding duration: up to 4 years

The evaluation procedure shall be implemented by SNSF in its capacity as Lead Agency. Project proposals ranked in the top 20% of all proposals submitted to SNSF and accepted for funding by SNSF will be recommended for financing.

The application of the Croatian PI is to be submitted only through the EPP system. Applicants will be notified when the EPP system becomes available for submission, while it is already available for new users to register.

Queries related to the Call are to be sent only via email to the following address:

Text of the Call and application documentation may be downloaded from the page Open calls.

For information on the application procedure to the SNSF Call, please visit: