Kick-off workshop celebrating Croatia's entry into the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership
The Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) is pleased to invite you to a special kick-off workshop, celebrating Croatia’s entry into the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership. This event aims to engage national stakeholders, as Croatia becomes a part of this important European initiative gathering more than 60 partners from 28 European countries.
Ms Orsolya Küttel, member of the DUT Partnership Coordination Team, will present the mission, strategic goals, and current activities of the partnership. Additionally, Ms Elena Simion (UEFISCDI), managing the DUT Call Secretariat, will share insights into the upcoming opportunities for collaboration.
This workshop offers a valuable platform to discuss how Croatian cities, academia, and other stakeholders can work together on urban transitions, and explore opportunities for future cooperation within the DUT Partnership.
We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance at the workshop by 7 November via the registration form.