Call “Financing of additional activities within the Tenure Track Pilot Programme” open

The “Research Excellence Programme in Science and Higher Education – the Tenure Track Pilot Programme” (hereinafter: TTPP) is a joint initiative of the Croatian Science Foundation (hereinafter: the Foundation), École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Swiss Development Agency (SDC) and the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education (MoSE). The aim of the TTPP is to introduce the tenure track model into the Croatian higher education system. A public call within the Programme was open between 3 April and 3 July 2018, to which 20 project proposals were submitted. Three projects were selected for financing.

Researchers funded within TTPP are given the opportunity to make use of extra funding made available on the level of the Programme, which were made available by the withdrawal of positively evaluated PIs. Pursuant to the Decision of the Steering Committee of the TTPP, these funds are to be used for additional activities aimed at enhancing the quality of their projects and performance of the research group and upgrading the envisaged results. The PIs are hereby invited to submit proposals of new activities intended for meeting the purpose referred to above

Call in brief: 

Eligible applicants: Principal Investigators funded through the Tenure Track Pilot Programme
Available funds: maximum CHF 350.000 per Project (c. HRK 2.400.000)
Funding eligibility period:
between date of Amendment to the Grant Award Contract and project end date (i.e. 30 April 2024)
Publication date: 20 November 2020
Application deadline: 21 December 2020 @ 13.00 CET


Call and application documentation

Call for Proposals (.pdf)

Application Form (.doc)

Evaluation Form (.pdf)