The Foundation's Annual Report for 2019

The Croatian Science Foundation presents the Annual Report on its work in 2019. The Report presents the results of calls opened in 2019, results of projects that are in their implementation stage and the work of funded doctoral students, international collaborations that were established, structural changes of evaluation panels etc. We also present a first-ever analysis of gender balance among Principal Investigators of the Foundation’s projects. 

In 2019, the Foundation funded 571 national scientific research projects in the amount of HRK 117.8 million as well as 34 international research projects in the amount of HRK 20.9 million. 134 young researchers (post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students) have been employed through the Foundation’s projects, while the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students” saw 474 doctoral students funded in the amount of HRK 53.5 million. In sum, the Foundation disbursed a total of HRK 192.2 million for funding national and international research projects and young researchers’ career development. 

We evaluated 631 project proposals submitted to nine calls for proposals published in 2019. Of this number, 210 projects were approved for funding. The “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students” saw 48 new young scientists obtaining their doctoral degree

The report can be downoladed from the page Publications.