Notice: All enquiries should be sent in English. Personal data protection and confidetiality will be taken into consideration so some equiries will be generalized.

Please check this page for information because repeating enquiries will not be answered again.

Answers 29.06.2018.

Q: Can you clarify whether limitation of 17 pages is related to Part A and B or Part A, B and C of the Application form.
A: The limitation refers to Part A – (pages 1-3) and Part B – Project Proposal (pages 4 – 17).
Q: The maximum percentages of each cost category are very narrowly set to only 2 percentage points of flexibility, so if one is not reached, the others become comparably higher. At the same time, that max. 43% have to be the salaries sets this range pretty narrowly in absolute amounts, not only the percentages.
If, for example in a case of highly collaborative computational project requiring no maintenance and low initial expenses, the “major research equipment” category falls below 20% could this be to some extent accepted, if well described? The nature of the project requires higher research costs (in terms of outsourced payed services), that would be a better utilisation of these funds.
A: All the planned costs need to be elaborated and the evaluation panel will discuss and assess whether the proposed costs are necessary for project implementation.
Q: I have an enquiry about timing the post-doc employment. The propositions state the maximal time of a post-doc employment is 4 years, which under some circumstances is a lot to commit to be working on one project.
Does the “1-2 post-docs” rule apply for the entire duration of the project, or could in theory one post-doc be employed for the 48 months, and then two consecutive 24 month positions could be planned, allowing higher mobility for post-docs? In this way the PI would not go above expected supervision load at any given moment, but could ensure more appropriate person (in terms of skills) is available at every stage.
A: The PI needs to make sure that the budget for the postdoctoral researcher’s salary is managed properly within the proposed guidelines. The length of the employment of the particular postdoctoral researcher can vary.
Q: In the Administrative form, can multiple scientific areas by ERC classification be selected (in case of interdisciplinary research)? If so, should this follow the order of scientific areas in the previous box?
What is the difference between the boxes “Scientific area” and “Scientific field” in the Administrative form?
A: In case of interdisciplinary project proposal, the applicant should numerate the scientific area included in the Interdisciplinary project proposal. Main scientific area should get number 1, next number 2, etc.
The box “Scientific area” offers the following: Natural sciences, Technical sciences, Biomedicine and Health, Biotechnical sciences and Interdisciplinary project. The box “Scientific field” is used for stating the specific field to which project proposal refers (e.g. biology, chemistry, etc.)

Answers 19.06.2018.

Q: The question is about reporting. The EPFL mentors have an obligation to submit annual and mid-term and final narrative report on the progress of the PI and co-sign the project´s scientific reports. As I understood, the Croatian mentor needs to prepare input for the report of the progress of the PI. What is the role of PI in reporting-do PI would need to prepare the project´s scientific reports? What are the time intervals for PI’s report? Are financial reports prepared each year?
A: The role of the PI is to provide annual narrative and financial reports on the progress of the project  while the mentor reports on the progress of the PI.
Q: Is it possible to include costs for hiring college/university students and/or interns for a brief period of time in order to conduct some smaller project work?
A: Fees and honoraria are not eligible costs.
Q: Is it possible to include the cost for inviting foreign scientists to give a (keynote) lecture or participate in a workshop?
A: Hosting foreign scientists (travel, accommodation and per diems) is eligible cost under the Mobility allowance category.
Q: Is it necessary to upload another host institution support letter in the final application form although the support letter has already been uploaded in the pre-registration step? In one of your previous answers you stated that “a more formal and detailed support of the host institution will need to be elaborated for the registration process”. Is this to be done within the application form section “E. Resources“?
A: If the Host Institution Support Letter submitted during the pre-registration process contains all the evaluation elements as specified in the Evaluation Criteria document, there is no need to upload a new Host Institution Support Letter during the registration process.
Section E. Resources of the Application Form can be used to describe the support of Host Institution in the implementation of project as well as to provide other cost related information as specified.

Answers 15.06.2018.

Q: Are the PhD student University tuition fees considered as eligible costs?
A: Research costs do not include scholarships and fees.

Q: The question is about mobility allowance. I would like to include the cost of sending a PhD student to a University abroad for 2-3 months to learn a technique and do preliminary experiments. Is this eligible cost?
A: For guidelines on mobility allowance costs please consult the Guidelines for Applicants, pages 21 and 22.

Answers 08.06.2018.

Q: Are PhD student scholarships in the usual 3-year programme at a Croatian university eligible costs under the Personnel/Staff costs section?
A: Scholarships are not eligible costs and cannot be included in any of the categories of the financial plan.
Q: What happens if not all of the approved post-doc and PhD student positions can be filled by suitable candidates? What impact would this have on the evaluation of the project?
A: The aim of the Tenure Track Pilot Programme is to form an independent research groups and to achive the research objctives. The solution to such situations will depend on the PI’s solutions proposals to achieve the objectives of the TTP.

Answers 25.05.2018.

In case that the Host Institution is a public research institute, an agreement to teach at the Croatian university needs to be submitted in writing. The PI needs to spend enough time teaching to achieve necessary experience to be eligible for the position of the assistant professor.  
The agreement needs to be made between the research institute that will act as a Host Institution and a Croatian University or the PI and a Croatian University? The agreement needs to be made before the project proposal is submitted or after the project proposal is accepted for funding?
A: The agreement to teach needs to be signed between the PI and the Croatian University where the teaching will take place prior to signing the Grant Contract.

Q: Scholarships are not eligible costs under research costs. We need to include them somewhere in the budget if we are expected to graduate one or two doctoral students. Can we include scholarships in the personnel/staff costs?
A: Scholarships are not eligible costs and cannot be included in any of the categories of the financial plan.

Answers 18.05.2018.

Q: I can understand from the answer that the PI, hired at assistant professor level, will be allowed to teach, which is positive. This means PI will get teaching experience which is important to advance further in academia. How many of the total working hours paied by the project can be used for teaching? Will the PI advance automatically to the permanent position on an associate professor level after 5 years? Will the PI remain at assistant professor level? Or PI gets fired?
A: The aim of the Tenure Track Pilot Programme is to create conditions for advancement through the funded projects.
The TTP programme will go through mid-term and final evaluation and if evaluated as successful it will be considered as one of the possible employment measures which could open the path to long-term solutions for future employability of young researchers in Croatia. If the host institution is a public institute, the potential PI will need to have a minimum of teaching hours required for advancement.

Answers 17.05.2018.

Q: Thank you for this opportunity for funding. This is a very positive thing for Croatian science as the programme plans to support pure excellence and this is what we are lacking. This will be a huge thing for the PI who wins this money and if a programme continues and a critical mass of excellent people is hired, this might cause very positive changes in the society.
However, as you might be aware, Croatian legislation is very specific and not ready for this PILOT programme. It may easily happen that the principal investigator (PI) ends up with a successful project and without the possibility to advance further to associate professor position. The PI will be forced to search job outside Croatian academia, and will probably have no problems whatsoever to get it, however, we are back in the beginning then. The main problem is that the tenure-track assistant professor does not exist in our legislation. Furthermore, there is a number of requirements to advance to ass. prof level, and amongst many teaching experience, while in TTP we are not allowed to teach but to work 100% on project.
Can you answer the question from the title keeping the explanation above in mind?
A: In case that the host institution is a public research institute, an agreement to teach at the Croatian university needs to be submitted in writing. The PI needs to spend enough time teaching to achieve necessary experience to be eligible for the position of the assistant professor. Teaching is included in the 100% work time on the project as long as it does not interfere with the implementation of the project.
Q: After looking into the application procedure in detail I realize that I am supposed to submit a so called “pre-registration” with a signed “Support letter” (of the hosting institution) by May 20th. Despite having an almost ready project and fulfilling all eligibility criteria, it is impossible for me to obtain a serious letter of support in such a short time frame.
Is it possible to conduct a pre-registration without providing the letter of support and instead provide all remaining documents by the end of the calls deadline (3rd July, 2018)?
A: For the pre-registration purposes, a host institution support letter needs to be submitted but will not be evaluated upon closure of the pre-registration process. This document needs to reflect an expression of interest of the host institution to support the potential PI and their research group. For the registration process which ends on 3rd July a more formal and detailed support of the host institution will need to be elaborated.
We would encourage all those interested to pre-register in the EPP system with available documentation.
Q: Is the Institution obliged to employ or offer the new contract to the PI once the project is finished?
A: An expected outcome of the TTP programme is an offer of employment to the PI by their host institution.

Q: Is the status of PI fully recognized as an equivalent to Assistant professor according to Croatian national legislation? More precisely, is the PI eligible to apply for the position of Associate professor once the project is finished, or is he/she supposed to pursue the position of Assistant professor on Croatian Institutions after the project is successfully finished?
A: The TTP programme is designed to support excellent young researchers at the early stage of career where they can start their own independent research groups and to enable them to gain competences and conditions for the employment as professors or senior scientists at universities and scientific institutes.

Answers 15.05.2018.

Q: Regarding the preregistration submission, is the documentation for maternity leave have to be submitted in the process of preregistration? If so, where I can upload additional documents?
A: In the pre-registration process information on maternity leave needs to be provided within PhD and Employment Information section. Supporting documentation can be uploaded in the Documents section under „Other“.

Answers 11.05.2018.

Q: In the related guide for applicants it is stated that experts “not permanently employed at a Croatian research institutions (public universities, public scientific institutes, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts” are eligible. What is the status of Assistant Professors with this respect, given the fact that in Croatia the corresponding contracts have formally indefinite duration, although tenure-track structure applies, and the contracts are reviewed every five years?
A: If you have a contracat with an indefinite duration, regardless the fact that it is reviewed every five years, it still means permanent employment according to the interpretation of the TTP guidelines for applicants.

Answers 08.05.2018.
Q: I am a medical doctor employed by a university hospital center, and fulfill all of the requirements to be a PI in the TTP program. Is it possible to continue my clinical duties along with the role of a PI?
The list of eligible host institutions includes Croatian public universities, public scientific institutes and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. If a university hospital center is registered as a scientific organisation by the Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education, is it also eligible to be a host institution, or should I contact the dean of the medical school associated with the aforementioned hospital?
A: The host institution must be eligible according to the TTP Call for proposals criteria. The PI is expected to work full time in the implementation of the project activities which can include clinical medicine if planned by the project proposal. Other duties of a PI outside of the working hours are not a subject matter of this Call.

Answers 04.05.2018.
Q: I have a question regarding the TTP 2018 call, in particular about the requirement that the PI has gained his PhD at least two years before the application date. Are there any circumstances (e.g. a good track record of publications and funded grant proposals along with a PhD from one of the world’s most prestigious universities) in which candidates that have only recently (i.e. less than 2 years ago) gained their PhDs be eligible to apply?
A: Since this is a formal requirement for a PI, anyone holding a doctoral degree for a period less than 2 years would not be eligible to apply to this Call. Croatian Science Foundation also funds Installation Research Projects which aim to ensure the establishment of independent research careers, where the most successfully evaluated scientists have an opportunity to establish research groups that deal with internationally competitive issues at Croatian universities and public research institutes.
Please visit the HRZZ webiste for information on any upcoming calls.

Answers 27.04.2018.
Q: I would like to inquire about salary guidelines: what are acceptable salaries for the Principal Investigator, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students?
A: Regarding the PI’s salary, it is equal to that of Assistant Professor and cannot be higher than what has been established by the Croatian national legislation. Regarding the salaries for the postdoctoral researchers and PhD students they are equal to those of senior assistant and assistant and cannot be higher than what has been established by the Croatian national legislation.

Answers 24.04.2018.

Q: I have a brief question regarding the Tenure Track Pilot Programme (TTP-2018-07). Call for proposals requires “institution head” to sign and stamp the “Host Institution Support Letter”. In case of a university, is the head of the institution a dean (head of faculty or school in university) or a rector (head of university). More specifically, is it required to provide a signature from a rector of University of Zagreb or from a dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing or perhaps someone else? 
A: The host institution support letter needs to be signed by the dean (head of faculty or school). In this specific case, the host institution support letter needs to be signed by the dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
Q: Could you give me a clarification on the following conditions for Host institution support letter considering particular laboratory and office space:
Is it required that Host institution assign the exact location of lab and office space (room number, building etc.) or would it be enough for registration purpose that Host institution expresses the intent to provide support and assign lab and office space for disposal to the PI and his team members. Can exact locations of space be negotiated and determined upon project approval?
Also, can a part of the project budget be used for the customized renovations of the lab space by research group specifications because of the instrument requirements (small construction, installations or acclimatization)?
A: The host institution support letter confirms that the institution will support PI and the research group in research activities, in terms of securing infrastructure, equipment, technical and other services necessary for the research implementation. Specifics need to be provided not in terms of i.e. room number or location but in terms of the size of the space, its suitability for the project implementation as well as the list of equipment available to the research group.
Customized renovations of the lab space are not eligible costs.
Q: I have a definite contract as a post-doc at my institution lasting up to 2021. Am I eligible to apply for the ttp call and what happens with my contract if the project is selected for financing? Do I have to terminate it or does it continue parallel to the ttpp?
A: Anyone with a definitive work contract is eligible to apply to this Call. However, if the project proposal is selected for funding the PI is expected to work full time on the TTP project for which they will receive a full salary from the project funds and they cannot act in a role other than that of a TTP Principal Investigator.

Answers 20.04.2018.

Q: Just to awoid any possible missunderstanding, could you please explain us what would happen in the case when PI is not permanently employed at the time of application, suppose that application is accepted and PI becomes assistant professor, with a contract for an indefinite period? All other requiremets regarding PhD are fulfilled. Will he be able to be a PI further on, until the project is finished?
A: In case the project proposal is accepted for funding, the project needs to start on 1 January 2019 and the PI is expected to work full time on the project for which they will receive a full salary from the project funds. If the PI is offered a permanent employment in the time between the acceptance for funding of the project proposal and the start of the project, the PI cannot act in both roles.
Q: I would like to ask you whether this program will continue in the following years, i.e. whether the call will be open only in 2018, or in 2019 and 2020 as well?
Also, the initiation of the current project is set for January 2019 – how strict is that and would later start be possible?
A: This programme will not be launched again as a part of the Swiss – Croatian cooperation.
The project cannot start later than 01 January 2019 due to the already predefined time framework of the Swiss – Croatian Cooperation Programme.
Q: The goal of the TTP programme is for the PI to “… gain competences and conditions for the employment as professors…”. What happens to the status of the funded project if the PI accepts a tenure-track position at the Host Institution during the project duration? What are the effects of this on purchased equipment, PhD students, PostDocs, PI salary? What if the PI accepts a tenure-track position at a Croatian institution other than the Host Institution during the project?
A: If the PI leaves the project or is negatively evaluated, the funds will be reallocated to remaining projects based on the decision of Steering Committee of the TTP programme.
The purchased equipment shall remain at the unrestricted disposal of the Project and shall not be diverted without prior written approval of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Q:  Can the PI or other team members apply for external funding that would require their mobility – e.g. MSCA Individual Fellowships? If yes, is there a limit to the duration of stay abroad?
A: The PI or other team members can apply for external funding.
Q:  You said in your answers from 11.04.2018. that the PI’s salary is “equal to that of an associate professor.” In the answers from 13.04.
2018. you say: “Regarding the PI’s salary, it is equal to that of Assistant Professors”. Which is it?
A: Regarding the PI’s salary, it is equal to that of Assistant Professors and cannot be higher than what has been established by the Croatian national legislation.
Q: Is subcontracting eligible for funding? For example in the case of highly interdisciplinary research.
A: Subcontracting can be an eligible cost in case it is justified and necessary for the implementation of the project and only for licensed activities for which the research group has no competencies.
Q: Can we identify potential collaborators (researchers, SMEs) that would not be part of the research group, i.e. not funded through TTP? Would this be beneficial to the application? If so, is just a general description of the potential collaborative research needed for the proposal, or some formal participation from these parties?
A: Research group will consist of PI, 1-2 PhD student and 1-2 postdoctoral researchers who will paid from the project. Other researchers can take part in the implementation of the project but they cannot be members of the research group nor can they be included in the Work and Financial Plan of the project.

Answers 17.04.2018.

Q: I have the following questions regarding the TTPP programme:
1. How is maternity leave documented for female researchers (default deduction of 16 months)? By submitting birth certificate(s)?
2. What is the role of the EPFL? It cannot be a host institution, but it should be part of a project collaboration?
A: Maternity leave can be documented via an official certificate confirming the dates of the maternity leave. The certificate can be issued by the relevant social security institution or by the host institution where the applicant was employed at the time of the maternity leave. Alternatively, a birth certificate can be provided.
The role of EPFL is that they are a partner in the Tenure Track programme and they will provide their expertise on the tenure track scheme to Croatia. They do not need to be included in the project proposal but they will nominate one international mentor for each PI and will be included in the evaluation process.
Q: I am permanently employed at a university college (i.e., “visoka skola”) in Croatia, which is not a research institution. Hence, my institution cannot support my research. That is why I will soon become an adjunct assistant professor (i.e., “naslovno zvanje docenta”) at one Croatian university. Clearly, my contract with the university will not be full-time nor permanent, and I plan to stay full-time permanently with my university college. Suppose I receive the TTP grant, I plan to stay only with my university college salary. My incentives to apply for this project are to establish a strong research group through hiring perspective young researchers, acquiring lab equipment and travels (not to earn a double salary). In fact, I would use “my TTP salary” to hire an additional researcher. Is this scenario in line with the TTP rules?
Of course, if I receive a positive answer from you, I still need to commence negotiations with my university college and the aforementioned university.
A: According to the information provided, you are not eligible to apply to this Call. A PI’s salary will be fully funded from the Tenure Track programme so a 100 per cent participation on the project is expected. A PI’s salary cannot be used for any other purposes or costs. A PI cannot be employed at another institution in the course of duration of the TTP project.

Answers 13.04.2018.
Q: Could you give me a clarification on the following conditions:
Principal Investigator must not be permanently employed at a Croatian research institution.
What exactly does permanent employment mean?
Who is than eligible to apply?
Only senior assistants, holding a PhD?
Are docents (Assistant Professors) also eligible to apply or not?
A: The PI must not be permanently employed, i.e. they must not have a contract for an indefinite period with a Croatian research institution. As specified in the Call for proposals, the PI must fulfil the following conditions:
– researcher willing to pursue an academic research career in Croatia,
– must at the date of recruitment be in a possession of doctoral degree; the period between the date of the PhD award and the call deadline must not be shorter than two years nor longer than seven years,
– must have excellent research and academic track record,
– submit a promising research plan for 5 years,
– not permanently employed at a Croatian research institutions (public universities, public scientific institutes, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
Assistant Professors are eligible to apply provided that they meet the requirements stated above.
Q: Is there upper limit in determination of salary of the PI, paid from the project funds?
A: Regarding the PI’s salary, it is equal to that of Assistant Professors and cannot be higher than what has been established by the Croatian national legislation.
Q: It is written that equipment must be purchased in the 1st research year so can the total amount be unevenly distributed over the 5 years?
Where to include the remaining 3% in the finances, under which category, they all have maximum percentage?
Can we create a new category: Costs of the Foundation as the Tenure Track Program coordinator? You wrote that in response to the previous question.
Can we include collaborators on a project who will not be paid by the project, but they are already employees of the institution?
A: A financial plan needs to include 100 per cent of the costs of the project. The updated Financial Plan Form is available on HRZZ website. The recommended limitations stated in the Call for proposals refer to programme costs of the Tenure Track programme and they represent guidelines to applicants in compiling a financial plan. The only limitation which refers to costs of a particular project are Overhead costs for the Host Institution (maximum 5% of total project costs). It is not necessary to include costs of the Foundation as the Tenure Track Program coordinator.
Research group will consist of PI, 1-2 PhD student and 1-2 postdoctoral researchers who will paid from the project. Other researchers can take part in the implentation of the project but they cannot be members of the research group nor can they be included in the Work and Financial Plan of the project.

Q: Our faculty has accredited study programmes in the field of social sciences, more precisely in the field of information and communication sciences, but some of our study programmes are linked to other fields such as computer sciences or mathematics. In the past we have implemented various projects linked to different fields such as mathematics and computer sciences, and at our institution we have the following laboratories which are not limited only to social sciences: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Laboratory for Open Systems and Security, Laboratory for Generative Programming and Machine Learning. Also, some of our students have received national STEM scholarships which means that the Ministry of science and education has recognized some of our study programmes partly as STEM. Regarding those information, could our institution be eligible host institution for a project in the field of eg. computer sciences?
A: Any public university, public scientific institute and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art can host the PI. An applicant can submit a proposal only in the scientific area for which the Host Institution is accredited. Institution eligible to apply must be accredited in the following field of research: Engineering, Computer Sciences, Basic Sciences. Institutions accredited in the field of social sciences are not eligible to apply to this Call which is regulated by Framework Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Republic of Croatia concerning the implementation of the Swiss-Croatian cooperation programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union, signed 30 June 2015, defining the overall objectives of the Swiss-Croatian cooperation.
Q: Does a domestic mentor have to be suggested (explicitly, by name) in a project proposal or will he/she be nominated by an institution afterward, when the project is approved?
A: The Host Institution will need to commit one mentor for each PI; the mentor will be an employee of the Host Institution. The mentor will be nominated after the project proposal has been approved for financing.
Q: In the Guidelines for applicants document, in the B part of the Application Form, in State-of-the-art part, it says:
Describe how proposed research enables development of independent research group, especially in relation to the research conducted by your mentors or supervisors;
To which mentors or supervisors does this refer to? Phd, postdoc mentors?
A: It refers to any mentors the potential PI might have had in their research career, including PhD and postdoctoral mentor.

Answers 11.04.2018.

Q: According to the Financial plan form, there are limitations for each of the cost category: salaries up to 42.2% of total project costs, equipment up to 23.2%, etc.  Since the sum of the all indicated maximum limits is 95.1%, could you please kindly explain / provide an example how to compile a financial plan to comply with the limitation of all categories.
A: The recommended limitations refer to programme costs of the Tenure Track programme and they represent guidelines to applicants in compiling a financial plan.
The only limitation which refers to costs of a particular project are Overhead costs for the Host Institution (maximum 5% of total project costs).
The Financial Plan Form has been modified accordingly.
Q: Does participation in this project count having in mind the regulation that one person can participate at maximum two HRZZ project at the same time? In other words, can a post-doc who is already an associate at two Research project participate in this proposal?
A: Once the project starts, a post doc/ PhD student can participate only in the funded TTP project. A PI’s salary will be fully funded from the Tenure Track programme so a 100 per cent participation on the project is expected.
PhD students who already participate on HRZZ projects can be members of the research group with  a written approval from their mentor, as specified in the Young researchers’ career development project – training of new doctoral students Call.
Q: Is it possible to plan the starting date of the project later than January 2019 (preferably June 2019) due to Principal Investigator’s current obligations on another project as lead researcher?
A: The project cannot start later than 01 January 2019 due to the already predefined time framework of the Swiss – Croatian Cooperation Programme.
Q: How do I calculate PI’s salary? Is this going to be the salary of a Croatian postdoc or higher?
A: Personnel costs and personnel cost categories have to be in line with the Croatian national legislation. A PI’s salary is equal to that of an Assistant Professors.
The salary costs cover annual gross salary, transportation costs and other salary related costs according to the Croatian regulations (Link).
Q: There is nothing written in the Call about PI status on other projects. If PI, at the time of application, still is associate at a different project (HRZZ project or other) can he still apply his project on this call? If the PI has a contract until July 2019 with the host institution, does the contract has to be terminated and new has to be signed?
A: If a PI is, at the time of application, still an associate at a HRZZ or any other project, they can still apply to this Call provided they meet the requirements and are able to start working on the project on 01 January 2019. The Host institution will offer the PI a work contract in connection with their new role as a TTP Principal Investigator, regardless of the PI’s previous employment terms with the Host institution.

Odgovori 06.04.2018.

P: Poštovani, ovo je navedeno vezano uz troškove:
Prihvatljivi troškovi moraju biti izravno povezani s projektom:
  • Troškovi plaća, do 43% ukupnih troškova programa, uključujući doprinose i druge troškove vezane uz plaću, sukladno hrvatskim zakonskim propisima, za voditelja projekta, studente doktorskih studija i poslijedoktorske istraživače. Troškovi plaća mogu iznositi najviše polovicu ukupnog proračuna projekta. Plaće i kategorija plaća moraju biti izražene u skladu s hrvatskim zakonodavstvom.
  • Oprema za istraživanje i održavanje opreme može iznositi najviše 24% ukupnih programskih troškova. Kupovina opreme mora biti planirana u prvoj godini provedbe projekta.
  • Troškovi istraživanja mogu iznositi najviše 17% ukupnih programskih troškova: potrošni materijal, knjige, računala, članstva, diseminacije, publikacije, podugovaranje itd.
  • Dodatak za mobilnost može iznositi najviše 8% ukupnih programskih troškova: (konferencije, seminari, kratke posjete do 3 mjeseca, umrežavanje, troškovi za putovanja itd.;)
  • Neposredni troškovi za instituciju domaćina (najviše 5% ukupnih projektnih troškova).
Kad se navedene stavke zbroje dolazimo do iznosa od 97% a što je s ostalih 3%?“
O: Preporučeni okviri odnose se na troškove programa Tenure Track te služe kao smjernica prijaviteljima projektnih prijedloga u razradi financijskih planova. Razlika u postocima odnosi se na troškove Zaklade kao provoditelja programa Tenure Track.
P: U tekstu natječaja na hrvatskom jeziku piše da institucija domaćin, podnositelj projekta može prijaviti projektni prijedlog isključivo u onom području ili područjima za koje je akreditirana znanstvena ustanova. Može li ustanova koja je akreditirana za društvene i humanističke znanosti prijaviti interdisciplinarni projekt bez obzira što u natječaju nema istraživačkog područja društvenih i humanističkih znanosti?“
O: Interdisciplinarni prijedlozi su dobrodošli no samo iz sljedećih istraživačkih područja: biomedicine i zdravstva, biotehničkih znanosti, tehničkih znanosti i prirodnih znanosti.
P: Hoće li HRZZ uzeti u obzir prijave mladih istraživača kojima je proteklo više od 7 god. od obrane doktorata? Datum stjecanja doktorata je 11 mj., 2008, godine, te sam bila na 2 porodiljna (jedan prije doktorata i jedan nakon obrane doktorata.)
O: HRZZ će uzeti u obzir vrijeme provedeno na porodiljnom ili roditeljskom dopustu pod uvjetom da se podnesu potvrde o trajanju porodiljnog ili roditeljskog dopusta, kliničke prakse koja je provedena nakon stjecanja doktorata ili bolesti. Ti će se periodi oduzeti od vremena koje je proteklo od stjecanja doktorata.
P: U prijavi na natječaj Tenure Track Pilot Program navedeno je da je program osmišljen kao podrška izvrsnim mladim istraživačima u osnivanju neovisne istraživačke grupe i u stjecanju iskustva i uvjeta za napredovanje u karijeri na poziciju profesora ili docenta na sveučilištu ili znanstvenom institutu, a jedan od kriterija za voditelja projekta je da voditelji ne mogu biti stalno zaposleni pri hrvatskoj istraživačkoj organizaciji (javna sveučilišta, javni znanstveni instituti, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti). Da li to znači da doktorandi javnog Sveučilišta ne mogu sudjelovati u projektu? Ili postoji neki drugi način da se uključe?
O: Doktorandi mogu sudjelovati u projektu u svojstvu suradnika u istraživačkoj grupi.
Adresa služi isključivo za postavljanje pitanja vezanih uz trenutno raspisani natječaj „Tenure Track Pilot program“. Upiti koji se tiču projekata koji su trenutno u provedbi ili drugih trenutno otvorenih natječaja zaprimaju se isključivo na generičke adrese namijenjene tim upitima koje su navedene na mrežnoj stranici HRZZ-a, a na upite vezane uz natječaje koji trenutno nisu otvoreni nismo u mogućnosti odgovarati.